The San People

. . . And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. (Matthew 18:1-5)

San People . . .


About ten years ago God spoke to me and challenged me to train leaders in the rural communities. Today there are respected SAN pastors and congregations in Bushman Land, all planted by being obedient to the calling of Christ.

We also help them with food and clothes where possible.

The SAN are traditionally hunters and gatherer. Situations have changed in Namibia and some of them struggle to adapt to the modern Namibia.

They need your prayers and support.



SAN people in Blikkies Dorp


Linda also started a sewing project with the SAN bushman woman whom she found one day on the town’s trash dump. Linda the spoke to them and asked them if they would not rather prefer to make clothing or crafts and sell the items they make and use the money to buy food. This appealed to them and they agreed.

Together with some local volunteers we build a small one room corrugated Zink structure and Linda got 2 sewing machine donated and a local Damara woman setout to teach them to sew and use the machines. The group started out with 9 woman. Now 3 ladies sew 3 days a week making dresses, alterations and repairs and make other items. They named their business “GRACE SEWING HANDS”

Currently they are at the turn over mark where they are able to use some of the money for food as well as buy some material again to make dresses. Quoting Linda  “I am very proud of them, although the process is slow, their lives is changing for the better and dignity is restored” 

Phase two with this group of SAN people living in Blikkies Dorp is to start a Soup Kitchen for the 44 SAN children who do not go to school. Linda have already started to identify some of the kids to help them to go to school in the new school year.

They need our prayers

and support !

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